I received this large and very nice bag for my birthday. Well, I received a TK Maxx voucher and used it to buy this bag. I use it to hold my WIP items in a vague attempt to keep the coffee table clear. As I mentioned in the previous post, I can't find something and thought maybe it would be in the bag. You see, it's a little bit like the junk drawer, it occasionally contains the items it should and more often contains everything else. I emptied the contents onto the coffee table. Well, that's how it started, it then took up a large part of the living room floor too. Nothing can spend more than about 5 seconds on the floor before rabbit investigations begin so I laid it all out on the dining table, the measurement of which is 75 x 119.5 cm. I could measure it easily and quickly as there was a tape measure in the bag, as you can see from this photograph -
It doesn't look all that bad, other than the sheer amount of stuff, the fabrics are neatly folded now, they were not beforehand which added to the explosion in a streamer factory look. Much of it is fabric or quilting related, not the quilt I'm currently working on and in some cases not large enough to use. There is also a purple box full of tiny bits of wadding, unfinished felt Christmas decorations, two hearts, one of which has become a second pincushion. The holder for a book token I received for my birthday (yes, the gift givers I know are pretty unimaginative). Not one but three notebooks of different sizes, a menu plan, two cards, a out of date voucher, many receipts and scrunched up bits of paper, an empty box, a single knitting needle, metallic florists wire, lots of hay and ten writing implements. But what of the junk drawer, is that full again too? Let us see
Not as empty as it was, but I do enjoy a packet of Fishermans Friends. I still haven't found what I'm looking for. Just in case you were wondering, the rest of my house isn't like a larger version of the craft bag, the craft bag exists so the house can be tidy, if a little hay strewn.
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