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Bit o' Script Work

Finished the rewrite on the TREESPIRIT segment of DR. PUDDING'S MONSTER FILES and sent it over to Tom Shaffer. While I still have several proejcts to edit before I'd even get to that one, it feels good to have it back in Tom's court.

I also worked more on a script for a segment about a guy who turns into a fly monster while on a blind date. Thinking this will go in instead of the vampire story. Have talked to an actor and actress about it and they we interested, but need to get the script finished to follow-up.

Saw a local theatrical production of Dracula tonight. Frequent F&C actor and effect man Rob Merickel did the make-up and special effects. It was way cool including some hot Dracula's brides and a great-looking cross that bursts into flame.

Back to the grind tomorrow...

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