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Playing Catch-up

I haven't posted for a few days. Nothing wrong. I've just been trying to catch up with my other photography blog. On that blog I'm documenting A Year at Asylum Lake for my Big Project with my online camera club. I'd fallen behind - is that anything new for me - and I wanted to get caught up. That meant sorting through photos I'd taken on my walks, organising them on my computer and writing the blog posts. I am still a couple of weeks behind, but it's feeling more manageable. It was on my to-do list for the week so that's one thing I can check off! 

Another thing I wanted to do this month was get rid of 30 books. It's only April 8th and I've already managed to sort out 21 of them! I hang my head in shame as some of these were books daughter had left behind. 

This was also the Phone Photo - Things That Make Me Smile 97/365. I am so pleased that I was able to get rid of so many. I will be looking for more this weekend so stay tuned - lol. 

I listed some more on Ebay. If they don't sell, I shall be donating them. We'll see how it goes. I really wish the library bookshop was accepting donations as I would feel better about donating books to the shop but I need them out of my house so they will have to go to a charity shop of some sort. 

I haven't progressed much on my craft room. I did start looking through things, but realistically I will have to come up with a method of choosing what stays and what goes. I honestly still like most of the things I have in there. It is a matter of working out what exactly I am going to use and not things I want to hold onto in case I want to use them. Sigh. 

I did well on the meal planning this week. I went and did a food shop today too so I have most of what I need for next week too. The place I usually shop at is having renovations done and is a mess, the shop is a mess and the car park is a mess. I don't like food shopping at the best of times, but the mess makes it worse. I can feel my anxiety climbing. So I changed places I shop at - only problem is that the roadworks on the main road close to mine started and (soon) the road will be closed completely in one direction (until October) so I thought I'd go today in case they close it after the weekend. It was supposed to be closed on the 6th but for some reason they have kept a small bit of it open. If I down drive in my neighbourhood I can still get through - for now at least. 

It's not been a good week weather wise. Cold (I'm tired of it), rainy (I'm tired of getting wet on my walks) but I have managed to get out all but one day. 

Phone Photos - Things That Make Me Smile 96/365

I found this at Jane's and it made me laugh!

Day 98/365

I got these today! Made me smile. Daughter sent them to me. 

Hope everyone has a good weekend. I've got some blog hopping to do! 

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