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Manual news-4y: Valentine's Day for singles

Manual news-4y: Valentines Day for singles

Here come the "terrible and disgusting" feast for anyone who does not have pair - Valentine's Day. The city today resembles Noah's ark - the couple filled all the parks and restaurants and the queues in flower shops for roses sluggish along its length can be compared with the queue at the exhibition of Serov.

While some are drowning in a sea of pink sugary Valentines, enjoy other a proud loneliness. But what to do those who are single? Edition news-4y prepared two variants of succession of events - for optimists and pessimists. Oh Yes - don't take this material too seriously.

For optimists

The fact that you are not in a pair, not loneliness, and freedom. And enjoy it! We offer you to spend the day to the fullest - to have some fun and how to have fun.

If you still want to spend time in the company of men - Tinder. Better don't take this app too seriously and acted like a heroine Zooey Deschanel in the TV series "New girl" - agree on a date and almost all don't waste to meet more than 30 minutes - a kaleidoscope of individuals and self-elevation is provided.

Valentines Day for singles For optimists

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