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Jaden Smith Pays $3500 Toward Surgery For Dog Justin Bieber Adopted Out To Back-Up Dancer

Jaden Smith proved once again that he's a good, charitable guy when he plunked down $3,500 towards surgery for a dog that isn't even his. Jaden got involved in the costly situation facing C.J. Salvador, a dancer for Justin Bieber, after the dancer adopted a dog from the "Baby" singer.

As TMZ reports, Justin had had the puppy, a 7-month-old chow, for less than six months when Jaden Smith was called on (via a fundraiser) to help pay to save its life. Apparently, Bieber realized that he didn't have time to properly care for the pup due to his busy schedule, so he passed the pooch off to Salvador. When it was taken to the vet for a routine checkup and to be neutered, it was discovered that the chow suffered from a debilitating congenital health defect.

This isn't the first time in recent memory that Justin Bieber has pawned a pet off on someone close to him because he was unable to give it enough attention. Before Jaden Smith stepped in to save Todd, the 7-month-old chow, from a likely early death, Justin had already handed off a different dog, a hamster, and even a monkey that he was incapable of caring for.

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In the case of Todd the chow, after he was adopted by C.J. Salvador and his family, the vet learned that the dog was born with severe hip dysplasia. The poor little guy's condition was so bad that the vet predicted that he would be unable to walk by his first birthday. What's worse, it was going to cost $8,000 to surgically repair Todd's hips.

As Capital FM reports, that's when Jaden Smith stepped in to help. Along with a slew of other donors, Jaden helped to ensure that Salvador was able to reach (and even exceed) his $8,000 goal, ensuring that Todd would get the surgery he needed to save his mobility and (because it was suggested he be put down if the problem wasn't fixed), his life.

In order to come up with the money he needed, C.J. Salvador set up a fundraising page. Jaden Smith was one of over 100 people who ponied up the dough to ensure that Todd the chow would get the fix he needed.

"Todd is a 7 month old chow chow born with a birth defect called 'severe hip dysplasia'. Long story short, by the time he turns 1, he won't be able to walk, run, let alone play."

"This condition presents us with two options: 1: is to put him down (which I refuse to do) 2: let him go through a very specialized surgery. The surgery however, will cost around $8000. So I am humbly asking you to donate anything. Anything would be greatly appreciated."

Jaden Smith actually made two large donations toward Todd's surgery. First, Jaden dropped $1,000 to help the dancer save his beloved puppy. Then, apparently, in an effort to get Salvador a bit closer to his $8,000 goal, Jaden Smith threw down another $2,500 to help with the worthy cause.

While over 100 people, including Jaden Smith, donated to Salvador's effort to get his new four-legged family member healthy, Justin Bieber wasn't one of them. Indeed, the Purpose star faced some substantial public backlash for seemingly "pawning off" another pet and then leaving his dancer in a financial hole in one fell swoop, particularly for young Jaden to come "rescue."

C.J. Salvador came to Bieber's defense on Instagram, telling the world that Todd is now "a Salvador," and therefore his family's financial responsibility. While Jaden Smith came out of the woodwork to help in a big way, it doesn't seem that he was asked to do so.

According to the dancer, he didn't ask Jaden Smith or Justin Bieber to help pay for the dog's care, nor does he believe that Justin deliberately passed off an ailing dog.

Some ppl just have no chill ????

A photo posted by CJ Salvador (@_cjsalvador) on

Whatever the reason that Justin didn't help with Todd and Jaden Smith chose to, it appears that the little chow is now going to be getting his much-needed surgery. And because, largely due to Jaden Smith's big cash donations, more money was raised that necessary, the dancer and his family will have some extra cash on hand to help pay for Todd's physiotherapy. Thanks to Jaden Smith (and 100 other generous donors), the pooch has a long life to look forward to.

[Featured Image by Andreas Rentz/Getty Images]

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