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People have been doing this look for a while, in fact the only person I saw doing it in JA from couple years ago was fellow fashion designer Camesha Powell of 'Poshe'. Its a look I like, not love, just because I know I ca't wear it lol. If you have cankles(not much definition between calf and ankle) like myself, stay away!....

The key to wearing heels and socks and not look dumb is to make sure at least the color of the shoes or the socks is a complementary color to something in your outfit, if it doesn't match it exactly. Also make sure the color of the shoes and the socks complement each other. I'm not a fan of doing this with a strappy shoe unless it's a photoshoot. That's a big thing to remember ,'LIFE IS NOT A PHOTOSHOOT',not everything you saw in a video or in a magazine should be worn in everyday life.

I like the look of black on black, you don't have to think too much about the colors matching or if it goes with the outfit. It's a safe bet for this not so safe fashion statement.

We saw Rihanna do this look at the MIU MIU show during Paris fashion week. I blogged about this as a 'FAIL' couple posts ago, it was somewhat hard to do since I consider Rihanna a fashion icon or maybe its Mariel, whoever, I don't care she rocks the clothes well but this particular heels and socks look didn't work. A key pointer when wearing heels and socks is to wear it with shorts or a short skirt or a short dress. The dress was at a too awkward length to pull it off. You'll just end up looking like grandma like this. The red satin pumps and blue socks with the black trim sigh was  not a good combo, too 'costumy'.

If you're considering doing this in Jamaica, this season is the perfect time, it's not a look I'd recommend doing in the summer. It is a cold weather look and although it doesn't get "cold" in Jamaica, I think that little Christmas breeze is enough reason to throw on some socks with your heels, why not right, just make sure the socks are lightweight.

Hope this post helped you to feel better about trying this out...
Post comments if you're feeling this look or not. Email me pics of yourself if you tried it out and I'll post it to the blog..

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