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Ditsy Floral Dress


Dress // Stradivarius
Shoes // Castañer
Bag // ZARA (old)
Earrings // ZARA (old)

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If someone had told me, when I was turning 23, just had my master's degree and started looking for a job, that "in 20 years from now, you will be living in the heart of Athens (Greece), be married to the love of your life and work as an independent style blogger with your own blog, be a godmother, a friend, a daughter, a sister, an inspiration for someone or many", I would have said: "Wow! That's definitely a life's dream coming true!"

And it is! Today, turning 43, I am living my dream! I cannot imagine a better, more content life than the one I have and I hope and wish that the next 20 years will be as fulfilling and adventurous and beautiful and loving as those that have passed. Thank you for being here, for your great support, your precious time and your valuable comments. Thank you for believing in me and trusting me. Thank you for making me a better person every single day.

|barefoot duchess|

Photos by The Duke

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